
Showing posts from June, 2023

The Price for Higher Education

                                          The Price for Higher Education: Is it Worth It?           Let's play a game that targets our intuition. Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and Princeton adverts to money. Without scholarships to attend these prestigious schools, you are met with an overwhelming load of student debt.  College tuition has increased immensely over the years, and while schools are being financially funded to their pleasured expectations, the quality of education has dropped. The ongoing argument of high admission fees being necessary has been a debate with continuous opinions. However, there have been alternatives for quality education such as Liberal Arts. This field is extracted from the usual technical professors and falls under skill-based majors such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, social and physical science. In order to presume the "better" option for investment, I was admirably engrossed by articles that implicated such an argument. Andrew Hacke

Is Fast Food the New Tobacco?

                                                             Is Fast Food the New Tobacco?            By term, a ddiction is defined as "a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive usage of any substance,  behavior, or activity." Although treatable, some people who suffer from any type of addiction tend to have problems admitting they have one to begin with. Then you have the remaining group of addicts; who don't show much remorse because their treatment is being paid for . On estimate, one out of three Americans are considered obese; linking to major health concerns. Despite existing solutions such as diet and exercise, obesity continues to be a nationwide problem because the idea of a healthy diet gets out of control when we don't really know what exactly we are putting into our bodies. A Netflix documentary titled, "What The Health" contributes to the major questions and conflicts that evolve around overweight Americans. Throughout the docu

Pop Culture Is Not An Enemy

                                                                                      Pop Culture Is Not An Enemy      Social media has been in our favor since its tremendous advantage of providing entertainment with information to its viewers. Other than our local news, apps such as Instagram and Twitter inform us of recent occurrences with additional details. So why does the debatable argument of "Is Pop Culture Good for You?'' exist? It has been said that pop culture tends to promote negative stereotypes, unhealthy and risky behaviors for adolescents. Undoubtedly, the first few posts we see when opening a media app will be celebrities showing off their sculptural bodies and flawless faces. That alone creates pressure on younger people because they suddenly feel they don't fit into the standards of beauty or behavior. Body dissatisfaction and pressure-leading disorders are common points that go against Pop Culture advocacy, but the positives? There's so much mor